My Favorite Places I've Traveled

Today I wanted to do a little roundup post of some of my favorite places I’ve traveled in the past few years. I’ve been so lucky to travel to so many awesome places and I have tons of blog posts about each. So today I’m running you through a few of my favorites, in absolutely no particular order.

Also, honorary shout out to Key West. I honestly couldn’t find all my old Key West photos and also… they’re old… like 2014 old, so probably for the best they’re not included. But, Key West is SO much fun and one of my favorite vacations. The best snorkeling and the best beaches.

OKAY! Let’s get into it!



First of all, DUH this is on my list. Hawaii was the first place I ever visited where I felt like ‘holy shit, I want to move to this place.’ I’ve never experienced a culture like Hawaii before and I’m obsessed with it. It’s so relaxing and so beautiful. And obviously, there’s tons of seafood which is a dream come true for a seafood fiend like me. There’s tons to do and so many islands to explore. I’ve only ever been to Oahu, but I’m looking forward to the next time I can go there and explore somewhere new.

Click here to check out my full post on my trip to Hawaii


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Amsterdam is such an incredible city. It’s crazy beautiful and has so much amazing history. There’s honestly so much to do there, I barely got to scratch the surface on my trip there. Around every corner is another perfect canal and it’s super walkable which I love when I’m on vacation. It’s just the perfect, idealistic European city.

Click here to check out my full post on my trip to Europe




Venafro is the perfect small town Italy location that everyone should visit in their life. Not only is it by far the most beautiful place in Italy that I visited, but it’s so quiet and quaint. And on top of that, there’s a surprisingly good amount of things to do there for such a small town. There are a few museums which are unlike any museums you’ll visit anywhere else in Italy. And we stayed in the most gorgeous bed and breakfast called Dimora Del Prete, run by the kindest woman named Dorothy. It’s the place to say while visiting. Most importantly, no matter where you go to eat the food will be delicious. Restaurants there can’t live off tourism like other places in Italy, so it actually has to be good enough for locals to go to in order to remain open. I can’t wait to be able to go back to Venafro.

Click here to check out my full post on my trip to Europe




On this trip, I visited Portland and Seattle and, I have to say, Portland really won for me. The food there was amazing (which is always the most important part while I’m traveling) and it was so beautiful. There are waterfalls around every corner and so many amazing hikes you can do. It’s definitely worth it to do both cities if you’re in the PNW, but if you only have time for one, choose Portland.

Click here to check out my full post on where I stayed in Portland
Click here to check out my full post on where I ate in Portland




Finishing off my list here is Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a true jungle getaway and I loved every second. We stayed at the most gorgeous all-inclusive while there and around every corner was something more beautiful than the last. Being surrounded by nature for a few days is just undeniably good for the soul. I can’t wait to make my way back to Costa Rica sometime in the future.

Click here to check out my full post on my trip to Costa Rica
